VITRESS Launches New Endorses

I have been, a few nights ago, to the Vitress Project Catwalk event where the new endorsers – apart from beautiful Solenn Heussaff, was introduced to members of the media. Kim Jones and Gretchen Ho were officially welcomed to the Vitress family in that short but posh event.

This isn’t a sports event but I am honestly glad I came. You see folks, I have been for years, a fan of the Vitress products, starting with the hair polish and moving on to the newer and my favorite, hair cuticle coat. My fondness to the brand have also been emulated by my two teenage girls, both sporting long straight hair.

I use the Vitress Hair Cuticle Coat, Heat Protect variant everyday as I am aware that aside from my skin, my hair takes the most beating as I enjoy my time being at the outdoors – may this be leisure or work. Being exposed to heat, dust and other elements, my hair tends to become dry and damaged. I can say that I, together with my girls, are satisfied Vitress hair cuticle coat users since it provides the results we need for our hair.

Below is the downloadable list of Vitress Hair Products, check which one may be the perfect hair solution for you and read on the official press release to get to know more of the product and its endorsers!


Find The Vitress Solutions For You

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What do “It” girls have in common? They walk with confidence, intrigue with style, and captivate everyone with their gorgeous, flowing hair. Vitress, the country’s number one hair cuticle coat and hair polish, is proud to partner with three powerful Filipinas who are able to do just that: model and actress Solenn Heussaff, fashionista and TV host Kim Jones, and volleyball superstar Gretchen Ho.


Solenn Heussaff 03
Solenn Heussaff quickly became a sought-after talent after debuting on a reality TV show and later proved her acting prowess when she became a Gawad Urian nominee. “When I first entered showbiz, I constantly had to curl or blow-dry my hair,” says Solenn. “I saw how damaged my strands became, so I looked for ways to protect and repair them. Aside from regular treatments at the salon, I use Vitress Hair Repair Cuticle Coat before and after blow-drying or curling my hair to protect it and add extra shine.”

Solenn’s Hair Tips: “I use the Vitress Solenn Cuticle Coat, which I co-designed every day. After I shower and while my hair is damp, I put a small amount to make it easier to comb. Once my hair is dry, I add a few more drops to boost shine. I also apply it when my hair’s in a ponytail to hide the baby hair that sticks out.”


Kim Jones 02

As a TV host and cover girl, Kim Jones is used to having a glam squad take care of all her hair needs. But when she’s not on set and working on her blog, she relies on Vitress to make her strands look sexy-beautiful. “It’s one of my favorite products to keep with me when I’m shooting for my blog and there’s no hairstylist or when I’m running around town doing errands.”

Kim’s Hair Tips: “Honestly, I prefer a low-key regime when it comes to my hair. After I wash my hair, I just warm a few drops of Vitress Hair Repair Cuticle Coat in between my hands. It’s easy enough for me to do and it’s effective. It’s my secret weapon to keeping my hair sleek and in place. The bottles are the perfect size to throw in your handbag, too.”


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Pro volleyball player Gretchen Ho is a champion athlete whose known for her humble demeanor and laidback style—and these qualities are exactly what make her totally endearing to her fans. “I’m happy and grateful to be chosen as one of the newest endorsers of Vitress. I’ve been using this product for my hair problems and it’s such a delight that I get to share this hair secret with everyone now.”

Gretchen’s Hair Tips: “With my active and on-the-go lifestyle, it’s very important to have a quick solution. On normal days, I apply the Vitress Sun Protect Hair Polish to protect my hair. When I have a game, I use the Vitress Heat Protect Cuticle Coat to keep my baby hair in place with my ponytail. For shoots, the Vitress Heat Protect Cuticle Coat keeps my hair shiny and healthy, too.”

Take your hair to “It” girl status—just like Solenn, Kim, and Gretchen—by applying a few drops of Vitress to your strands every day. The best part is, you can also retouch and go as often as you need without leaving your hair greasy or heavy. For sexy-beautiful hairs whenever, wherever, leave it to Vitress for gorgeous, shiny, and healthy-looking hair always.


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